Apopka SDA Church
340 E. Votaw Road
Apopka, FL 32703-4393
Email: office@apopkasdachurch.com
Due to COVID restrictions, the Church Office will operate on an as needed basis. If you need to get into the church or set up a meeting with an office staff member, please contact the Church Office to schedule an appointment at office@apopkasdachurch.com or 407-889-2812. (Please leave a message and we will get back with you as soon as possible.)
Lead Pastor: James Johnson
Phone: 813.205.1554
Email: james.johnson@floridaconference.com
Associate Pastor/Youth: Freddy Rodriguez
Phone: 305.794.8634
Email: freddy.rodriguez@floridaconference.com
If you have a request for prayer or a praise, please text the Build 7 Connections Helpline: 407.988.5715 or Email your request to TCIBuild7@gmail.com. --- Prayer Line Apopka, an initiative of Total Community Involvement (TCI).
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